Plan Numérique 2012: Complete!
Presented this morning at the Elysee, the Digital Map 2012, or Plan Besson, aims "to place France among the great nations to digital by 2012." Four main areas make up this plan, which reads in full 80 pages.
allow all French people to access digital networks
Broadband for 100% of French here 4 years
This component focuses primarily on the development of broadband (ADSL , cable), very high speed (fiber optic) and wireless broadband (3G and 3G +). If ADSL is currently well established in France, and if the 3G is still expanding, the government notes that "nearly 2% of the French population, spread over a significant fraction of the territory" are not served. "This rate is 1 to 2 million French excluded from the information society. He must change this situation so that 100% of French people have access to broadband by 2012.
On this point, the Plan Besson recommends the following action:
Action 1: Each French, where he lives, will benefit before 2010 the right to broadband Internet access at an affordable price , order 35 euros per month, access equipment included. A call for applications will be launched in the first half of 2009 for the provision of providing broadband Internet access for all, from 1 January 2010. Operators will be invited to submit bids to ensure all the French, where they live, access to broadband Internet (> 512 kbit / s), at an affordable rate, less than 35 euros per month. The minimum rate and the maximum fare will be updated every two years. This call will be declined at the local level to allow local authorities who wish and their delegates position itself. Following the call for applications, the State will enter into an agreement for access to broadband Internet for all with the selected operators. Each French may well exercise its right to broadband Internet with selected operators.
Broadcasts in prime time to tout Internet
Finally, if the point number one is back on the development of television and digital radio - see Action 19: Enable all the French to receive DTT by satellite; planned implementation current second half of 2009 - note two other series important actions.
The first, No. 23, proposes "a series of short formats dedicated to Internet broadcasts in prime time on television public service".
France, is not that the city
The other action, intended only for the French Overseas Territories, aims "to develop broadband Internet access overseas. The conditions for tax exemption for investment in submarine cables will be changed to make all eligible project costs, especially outside territorial waters. "
Besides web development, DTT and more widely on television should take a boost in the next 2 years outside France, thanks to "a first multiplex MPEG4 DTT in the first half of 2010." The government will also "launch more local channels, representative of the diversity ultramarine, and high-definition channels in the second half of 2010."
Developing the production and delivery of digital content
This component has nine versions and a large number of actions focusing particularly on music and video over the Internet, the Committee private copying, the press and the gaming industry and the disappearance logiciels.Non only DRM (for music) is directly related to the implementation of Bill Creation and Internet (Hadopi), but the DRM on the video market will be present as ever.
"... if the DRM failed to find their place in the digital distribution of music, it is essential to successfully adapt to the digital distribution of TV programs and films. Indeed, DRMs are only able to meet the timeline of the media and the windows operating time to time, which depends on financing of any filmed content industry. (...)
The content protection based on an accurate census and catalogs organized under the laws. The Registration meticulous works to protect and implementation of automated verification processes induce a depletion of infringing copies for free access, and make their research more difficult. Hence, they greatly reduce the risk of prosecution by aggrieved copyright holders. (...)
... chains of cinema and audiovisual sectors are committed to significantly shorten the duration of the "windows" media chronology, and production houses Phonographic pledged to remove all the DRM / TPM "blockers" of French productions. The timetable for implementation of these commitments is based on the actual launch date of the mechanism of prevention and fight against piracy of content provided by Bill "Creation and Internet", submitted to the office of the Senate June 18, 2008. The wealth of legal tender is one of the best defenses against the development of piracy, it is desirable that the catalogs offered to the public grow as efficiently as possible. "
Diversify Practice and digital services
13 directions up this topic.
1. Build confidence digital
2. Ensure the protection of personal data
3. Fight against all forms of cybercrime
4. Increasing use of digital technology in school education
5. Building the Digital University
6. Matching training needs of the digital economy
7. Competitiveness and accelerate business growth by digital
8. Encourage telecommuting
9. Developing e-commerce
10. Develop e-government
11. Facilitate access to justice by digital
12. Deploy ICT for health and wellness
13. Resorting to digital will accelerate the transformation of society
Renewing governance and the ecosystem of the digital economy
6 themes comprise this topic:
* Change Policy in the field of innovative SMEs digital
* Boosting research and development in ICT
* Adapt the organization of the State issues the digital
* A streamlined governance adapted to the challenges of digital
* A Transverse governance of information systems of state
* To bring forth a European and international governance of the Internet
Source PCImpact
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