Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Flucillin Flucloxacillin

Gerard Cattan ... QUOTES

QUOTES Gerard Cattan ...

Who gives should never remember it. Who receives should never forget.

-Application advice to your enemy and do the opposite.
-Better speaking with a woman and thinking about God than talking to God and think of a woman.

-This is not what is beautiful is expensive, is what is beautiful is expensive.
"If all pulled in the same direction, it would rock.
Sugar-serves no purpose if it lacks salt.
-one who remains silent in the first an argument is most worthy of praise.
-Aime who tells you your faults in private. Honor the physician before you need it.
-Lies has only one leg, truth on two.
-The rich have heirs, not children.
"When you laugh, everyone notices it, when you cry no one sees it.


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