Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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The London Olympics logo angers Iran .. Natalie Portman

The London Olympics logo angers Iran ..

LEMONDE.FR with Reuters who saw it as a provocative character "racist", warns that "other countries, including
Muslims will certainly respond to this racist logo, which will undermine the objectives of the Olympics
in the world" . "Do not ignore your part of this issue may affect the presence
[in London] in some countries, including Iran," the head of the Iranian Olympic Committee, Bahram Afsharzadeh
in a letter to Jacques Rogge, head of the Committee International Olympic
The organizing committee of the London Games expressed his surprise regarding this request,
recalling that the Olympic logo was unveiled in 2007, without causing far of interrogations.
"The London 2012 logo represents the numbers 2012 and nothing else", for his part
the IOC responded in a statement.


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