Monday, February 28, 2011

Apartment Application Template Free


Here is a link I wanted to share with you. I had to use it today and it touched me deeply to see the extent of repetition of words.

I'm sorry! Please forgive me! Thank you! And I love you!

There was an openness of heart that has been done and I felt that I healed a part of me that was waiting for my opening. Simply thank you!!

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abundance messages

I was in this whole area of abundance in asking me how To attract money to pay bills, accounts and my basic needs (either life or rather, survival). Because when we get to pay just enough, we are more in survival than in abundance. We have parts of us who are starving, who are not fed, even if we say that everything starts from within, there is a real physical hardware. Our needs need to be met ALL our needs . Not only the basic ones NOT on the contrary.

I read in a game: cards Abundance Mireille Nathalie Dubois (that a game that looks like the tarot, but illustrated with symbols representing abundance)

The body's need :

Health, a positive environment, quality of life: water, earth, air and fire, The Hygiene
Healing, Fertility, All material needs: salary, housing, house, leisure, shopping, travel, etc.., The perception of our global localization, the respect for different forms Life, Food, Body expression, evolution spiritual (places beneficial travel initiatory purification) Physical protection

needs of the soul :

§ ¶'s love life in general, emotional development, the social, positive friendships, the ultimate realization, recognition of positive affinities, the global and universal brotherhood, inner growth, social growth, Experiences scalable, Memories past, access gates dimensional expression of innate talents, hidden treasures, travel transformers, Creativity, Spiritual evolution, confidence in yourself and the universe, the divine qualities manifested in our evolution, the revelation of the Christ consciousness in our being

needs of the spirit :

Development intellectual, The Gifts of the superior mind, revealing intuitions, clairvoyance, clairaudience, the exercise of mental faculties, studies, projects development professionals, teachers cosmic contacts with the teachers of evolution, the work growth, creative projects, planning, structures promote the achievement, The revelations of the higher planes, the spiritual evolution

In reading this list in 2007 (because it is This time I bought the game) I says: Yeah ... .. I am far from being in abundance and fill my every need. I have work to do. And even today when I use this game I realize that I'm still doing just enough. ... But ....

It's incredible programming that we have in relation to abundance, from money, to receive, etc.. Because the abundance c ' is at all levels (not just financial. ... not at all levels).

Do you see how you behave with the give and take. Are you the one that gives more that it receives? If you give a lot, there is normally a back, right? Are you naturally cut this momentum? Because it's natural, it's a law of the universe. And often this not those that we give the more we will be back, NO. Often it is in another form. Look, you see.

A good discovery in your give / receive, it's about awareness. With all my love.

Green Feild On Cubefeild

~ ACIM Lesson 60 - These ideas are reviewed today: Ideas 46-50.

19 février ~ illumination-wallpaper


These ideas are reviewing today:

Audio Lesson 60 here

1. (46) God is Love in which I forgive.

2 God does not forgive because He has never condemned. 3 Those who are without blame can not blame, and those who have accepted their innocence see nothing to forgive. 4 But forgiveness is the means by which I confess my innocence. 5 It is a reflection of the love of God on earth. 6 It's enough to me closer to heaven Love of God may descend to me and raise me up to Him.

2. (47) God is the strength that I rely.

2 This is not by my own strength I forgive. 3 It is by God's strength in me, I remember forgiving. 4 As I begin to see, I recognize its reflection on earth. 5 I forgive all things because I feel His strength in me stir. 6 And I begin to remember the love that I had chosen to forget, but who has not forgotten me.

3. (48) There is nothing to fear.

2 As the world seem safe to me when I can see it! 3 It will be unlike anything that I imagine seeing now. 4 Everyone and everything I see will look to me to bless me. 5 I recognize it in each of my dearest friend. 6 What could there be to fear in a world that I forgave, and forgave me?

4. (49) The voice of God speaks to me all day long.

2 It is not a time when the Voice of God continues to call my forgiveness to save me. 3 It is not a time when his voice failed to direct my thoughts, guide my actions and not my driving. 4 I will continually towards the truth. 5 I can go anywhere, because the Voice of God is the only voice and the only guide that has been given to His Son.

5. (50) I am sustained by the love of God.

2 As I listen to the Voice of God, I am sustained by His love. 3 As I open my eyes, His Love lights the world for my seeing him. 4 As I forgive, His Love reminds me that His Son is sinless. 5 And as I look at the world with the vision He has given me, I remember that I am His Son.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Trade Pokemon Mac Emulator

~ ACIM Lesson 59 - The following ideas are to be revised today: Ideas 41-45.

13 février ~ t_P_10


The following ideas are reviewing today:

Audio Lesson 59 here

1. (41) God is with me wherever I go.

2 How can I be alone when God is always with me? 3 How can I be uncertain or doubting myself when certainty remains perfect in Him? 4 How can I be disturbed by anything when He rests me in absolute peace? 5 How can I suffer when love and joy around me by Him? 6 What I do not nourish illusions about me. 7 I am perfect because God is with me wherever I go.

2. (42) God is my strength. 2 Vision is His gift.

3 What I do not count on my own eyes to see today. 4 What I am wanting to share my poor illusion cons see the vision that is given by God. 5 The vision of Christ is His gift, and I was given. 6 What do I use this gift today so that this day helps me to understand eternity.

3. (43) God is my Source. 2 I can not see apart from Him.

3 I can see what God wants me to see. 4 I can not see anything else. 5 Beyond His Will, there are only illusions. 6 It is these that I choose when I think I can see apart from Him. 7 It is these that I choose when I try to see through the eyes of the body. 8 But the vision of Christ was given to me to replace them. 9 It is this vision that I chosen to see.

4. (44) God is the light in which I see.

2 I can not see in the dark. 3 God is the only light. 4 Therefore, if I have to do, it must be for Him. 5 I have tried to define what is seen, and I was wrong. 6 Now I am given to understand that God is the light in which I see. 7 That the vision and I welcome the happy world it will show me.

5. (45) God is the Spirit with which I think.

2 I have no thoughts that I share with God. 3 I have no thoughts apart from Him because I did not mind apart from His. 4 As I am part of His Spirit, my thoughts are his own and his thoughts are mine.

Congratulations For Sobriety


How not to be inspired by seeing this?

A heart formed by melting ice, is not it wonderful? For someone this will have no problem, for others a lot of meaning.

For me personally that's life who told me how much she loves me, how much I loved . What I am important as I am, with everything in me, everything that makes me feel here and now. I see regularly on my way hearts and each time I am moved to see that . I find it wonderful how life trying to reach me in the little things in my daily life. As banal as it may seem, life speaks to us. And what do you see regularly in your everyday life that may seem trivial for ordinary mortals?

is important is the meaning that you make, not the neighbor of yours. What for you the shape of a heart on ice where all other symbols? It's like dreams, our interpretation of the symbols sent, what is it for us. Because the key is that we have, not someone another.

Observe the messages that life sends you every day and look what it makes you vibrate.

With all my love a nice discovery on your symbols.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Used Car Bill Of Sale Ontario Template

~ ACIM Lesson 58 - The following ideas are to be revised today: Ideas 36-40.

27 février ~ 1464100002


The following ideas are reviewing today:

Audio Lesson 58 here

1. (36) My holiness envelops everything I see.

2 From my holiness is the perception of the real world. 3 Having forgiven, I do not see myself as more culpable. 4 I can accept the innocence that is the truth about me. 5 See by eyes that understand the holiness of the world is all I know, because I can not represent the thoughts I have on myself.

2. (37) My holiness blesses the world.

2 The perception of my holiness blesses not just me alone. 3 All those and all I see in his light share the joy it brings. 4 There is nothing that is part of that joy, because there is nothing that shares my holiness. 5 As I admit my holiness and the holiness of the world starts to shine for each track.

3. (38) There is nothing my holiness can not do.

2 Ma holiness has unlimited power to heal because it has unlimited power to save. 3 What should I be saved, if not illusions? 4 And what are all illusions, if misconceptions about me? 5 My holiness undoes them all by stating the truth about me. 6 In the presence of my holiness, that I share with God Himself, all idols disappear.

4. (39) My holiness is my salvation.

2 Since my holiness saves me from guilt, admit my holiness is recognizing my hello. 3 It also recognizes the world's salvation. 4 When I accepted my holiness, nothing can scare me. 5 And because I'm not afraid, everyone should share my understanding, that is God's gift to myself and the world.

5. (40) I am blessed as a Son of God.

2 In this I claim all that is good and nothing but good. 3 I am blessed as a Son of God. 4 All good things are mine, because God intended them to me. 5 I can suffer no loss or deprivation or pain because of who I am. 6 My father supports me, protects me and direct me in all things. 7 His concern for me is infinite and is with me forever. 8 I am eternally blessed as His Son.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Vintage Scooters London

~ ACIM Lesson 57 - Today, revise these ideas: Ideas 31-35.

3 fév ~ the_divine_vision


Today revise these ideas:

Audio Lesson 57 here

1. (31) I am not the victim of the world I see.

2 How can I be the victim of a world that can be completely undone if I choose it to be? 3 My chains are released. 4 I can drop them by my sheer desire to do so. 5 prison door is open. 6 I can go just leaving. 7 Nothing will stop me in this world. 8 Only my desire to stay keep me prisoner. 9 I would like to give my best wishes go insane and finally in the sunlight.

2. (32) I invented the world I see.

2 I invented the prison in which I see. 3 Everything I need to do is recognize that and I'm free. 4 I am deluded enough to believe that it is possible to imprison the Son of God. 5 I sorely mistake in this belief, I do not want. 6 The Son of God must be free forever. 7 It is as God created it, not what I would do with him. 8 It is where God wants it to be, not where I thought I would take a prisoner.

3. (33) There is another way of looking at the world.

2 Since the goal of the world is not one I've assigned him, there must be another way of looking at it. 3 I see everything upside down and my thoughts are the opposite of the truth. 4 I see the world as a prison for the Son of God. 5 This must be, therefore, that the world is truly a place where he can be released. 6 I would like see the world as it is and see it as a place where the Son of God finds its freedom.

4. (34) I could see peace instead.

2 When I see the world as a place of freedom, I realize that it reflects God's laws rather than the rules that I invented for there to obey. 3 I understand that peace, not war, which remains there. 4 And I perceive that peace is also in the hearts of all who share this place with me.

5. (35) My mind is part of the One God. 2 I am very saint.

3 While I share the peace of the world with my brothers, I begin to understand that peace comes from deep within me. 4 The world as I watch has been in the light of my forgiveness and forgiveness reflects on me. 5 In this light I begin to see what my illusions about myself kept hidden. 6 I began to understand the sanctity of all living things, including myself, and their oneness with me.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Old Premium Savings Bond

~ ACIM Lesson 56 - Our Today's review covers the following: Ideas 26-30.

25 février ~ erenite_35X24


Our review for today covers the following:

Audio Lesson 56 here

1. (26) My thoughts attack attacking my invulnerability.

2 How do I know who I am when I see myself constantly attacked? 3 Pain, illness, loss, age and death seem to threaten me. 4 All my hopes, my wishes and my Plans seem to be a thank you to the world that I can not control. 5 Now the perfect security and fulfillment are my legacy. 6 I tried to give my inheritance in return for the world I see. 7 But God saved my inheritance for me. 8 My own real thoughts would teach me what it is.

2. (27) Above all I want to see.

2 Recognizing that what I see reflects what I believe to be, I realize that vision is my greatest need. 3 The world I see evidenced by the nature of the frightening image of me that I made. 4 If I want to remember who I am, it is essential that I let go of that image of me. 5 When it is replaced by truth, vision will surely be given me. 6 And with this vision, I look upon the world and myself with charity and love.

3. (28) Above all I want to see differently.

2 The world I see holds up the frightening image I have of myself and ensures continuity. 3 While I see the world as I see now the truth can not enter my consciousness. 4 I would like to leave the door that is behind this world be opened to me, to look past it to the world that reflects God's love.

4. (29) God is in everything I see.

2 Behind every picture I made, the truth remains unchanged. 3 Behind every veil I have drawn on the face of love, its light is not fading. 4 Beyond all my insane wishes is my will, united to the will of my Father. 5 God is still everywhere and in everything forever. 6 And we who are part of Him, will turn our gaze beyond all appearances and recognize the truth that lies beyond.

5. (30) God is in everything I see because God is in my mind.

2 In my own mind, behind all my insane thoughts of separation and attack, is the knowledge that all is one forever. 3 I have not lost the knowledge of who I am because I have forgotten. 4 She was kept for me in the Spirit of God, Who has not left his thoughts. 5 And I, who am one of them, I am one with them and one with Him.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sample Volunteer Hours Letter

ACIM ~ LESSON 55 - The Review today includes the following: Ideas 21-25.

24 février ~ images


revision today includes the following:

Audio Lesson 55 here

1. (21) I am determined to see things differently.

2 What I see now are just signs of disease, disaster and death. 3 This may not be what God created for His beloved Son. 4 The fact that I see such things is proof that I do not understand God. 5 Therefore, I do not understand His Son. 6 What I see tells me I do not know who I am. 7 I am determined to see the witnesses of the truth in me rather than me show an illusion of myself.

2. (22) What I see is a form of revenge.

2 The world I see is little representation of loving thoughts. 3 This is an image of any attack against all. 4 This is anything but a reflection of the love of God and Love of His Son. 5 These are my own thoughts of attack that are image arise. 6 My loving thoughts will save me from this world view and give me the peace that God intended that I have.

3. (23) I can escape from this world by giving up attack thoughts.

2 In this lies the salvation and nowhere else. 3 Without thoughts of attack I could not see a world of attack. 4 When forgiveness allows love to return to my consciousness, I see a world of peace, security and joy. 5 And this is what I choose to see instead of what I look now.

4. (24) I do not see my own interest.

2 How can I recognize what my own interest when I do not know who I am? 3 What I think is that my interest would bind me more to the world of illusions. 4 I am willing to follow the guide God gave me to discover what my own interests, recognizing that I can not perceive it by myself.

5. (25) I do not know what does anything.

2 For me, the goal of all things is to prove that my illusions about myself are real. 3 To this end I try to use everyone and everything. 4 This is what I think the world is used. 5 Therefore, I do not recognize its real purpose. 6 The goal I have given the world has led to a frightening picture of him. 7 That opened my mind to the real purpose of the world by removing the one I gave him, and learning the truth about it.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Buy Gold Dubai Airport

~ ACIM Lesson 54 - Here are ideas to revise for tomorrow: Ideas 16-20.

20 janvier ~ voir-1138317513l


Here are ideas for review today:

Audio Lesson 54 here

1. (16) I have no neutral thoughts.

2 neutral thoughts are impossible because all the thoughts have power. 3 Let them make a false world, whether they lead me to the real world. 4 But the thoughts can not be without effect. 5 Just as the world I see arises from my thinking errors, and the real world will emerge from my sight when I leave my mistakes be corrected. 6 My thoughts can not be neither true nor false. 7 They must be one or the other. 8 This shows me that I see where they are.

2. (17) I see no neutral things.

2 What I see evidence of what I think. 3 If I did not, I would not exist, because life is thought. 4 What I look at the world I see as representing my own state of mind. 5 I know that my mood can change. 6 I therefore also know that the world I see can change as well.

3. (18) I'm not alone in experiencing the effects of my sight.

2 If I do not have private thoughts, I can not see a private world. 3 Even the mad idea of separation had to be shared so that it can form the basis of the world I see. 4 But this sharing was a sharing there. 5 I can also use my real thoughts, who share everything with everyone. 6 Just as my thoughts of separation call the thoughts of separation from others, even my real thoughts awaken the real thoughts in them. 7 And the world that show me my real thoughts will emerge in their eyes as well than mine.

4. (19) I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my thoughts.

2 I'm not alone. 3 All I think, say or do, teach to the whole universe. 4 A Son of God can neither think nor talk nor act in vain. 5 It can not be alone in anything. 6 It is in my power to change every mind with mine, because the power of God for me.

5. (20) I am determined to see.

2 Recognizing the shared nature of my thoughts, I am determined to see. 3 I would like look at the witnesses that show me that thought the world was changed. 4 I want to contemplate the evidence that what has been done by me has enabled love to replace fear, laughter to replace the tears in abundance to replace loss. 5 I like watching the real world and let it teach me that my will and the Will of God are one.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Rotronic Logistics 12.02

~ ACIM Lesson 53 - Today we will review the following: 11 to 15

22 février ~ Dali et l'irrationalité concrète


Today we will review the following:

Audio Lesson 53 here

1. (11) My thoughts meaningful in-show me-a world in meaning.

2 Since the thoughts which I am aware does not mean anything, which represents the world can have no meaning. 3 What produced this world is insane, and what it produces is too. 4 The reality is not insane, and I have real thoughts as well as insane. 5 So I can see a real world, if I turn my thoughts to actual they guide my view.

2. (12) I'm upset because I see a world in-significant.

2 The insane thoughts are annoying. 3 They produce a world in which he n'yad'ordre nowhere. 4 Only chaos governs a world that represents chaotic thinking, and chaos has no laws. 5 I can not live in peace in this world. 6 I am grateful that this world is not real and I do not need to see it at all unless I choose to give it value. 7 And I do not choose to give value to what is totally insane and has not significance.

3. (13) An in-world meaning engenders fear.

2 This is totally insane engenders fear because we can not be trusted and that there is no basis for confidence. 3 Nothing is dependable in the folly. 4 It offers neither safety nor hope. 5 But such a world is not real. 6 I gave him the illusion of reality and I suffered from my belief in him. 7 Now I choose to take away this belief and put my trust in the reality. 8 In choosing this, I will escape the effects of all the world of fear, because I admit it does not exist.

4 (14) God did not create a world in-significant.

2 How-meaning in a world can exist if God did not create? 3 It is the Source of all meaning and all that is real is in His Spirit. 4 This is also in my mind, because He created it with me. 5 Why should I continue to suffer the effects of my own insane thoughts, when the perfection of creation is my home? 6 What I remember the power of my decision and recognize where I live actually.

5. (15) My thoughts are images that I made.

2 Everything I see reflects my thoughts. 3 These are my thoughts that tell me where I am and what I am. 4 The fact that I see a world in which there is suffering, loss and death shows me that I can see that the representation of my insane thoughts, and I do not let my real thoughts to cast their beneficent light on what I see. 5 And God's way is safe. 6 The pictures I made can not prevail against Him because it is not my desire that they do so. 7 My will is His, and I will put no other gods before Him.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How To Obtain Missing Title Moped Illinois

~ ACIM Lesson 52 - The review covers these ideas today: 6 to 10.

5 février ~ ebfed0ff2fa


The review covers these ideas today:

Audio for Lesson 52 here

1. (6) I'm upset because I see what is not there.

2 The reality is never frightening. 3 It is impossible for it to annoy me. 4 The reality that brings perfect peace. 5 When I'm upset, it's always because I have replaced reality with illusions that I invented. 6 The illusions are annoying because I gave them reality, and thus I consider reality as an illusion. 7 Nothing in God's creation is affected in any way by my confusion. 8 I'm still upset by anything.

2. (7) I only see the past.

2 When I look around me, I condemn the world than I look. 3 I call this show. I blame the past 4 to each and every thing, and I do my enemies. 5 When I'm forgiven and I am reminded of who I am, I will bless everyone and everything I see. 6 There will be no past and therefore no enemies. 7 And I will look with love all that I failed to see before.

3. (8) My mind is preoccupied with past thoughts.

2 I only see my own thoughts, and my spirit is concerned about the past. 3 What he, therefore, that I may see it as? 4 What I remember as I look the past to prevent this to arise in my mind. 5 That I understand that I am trying to use time against God. 6 Let me learn to dispose of the past, and I realize that by doing so I will not give up anything.

4. (9) I see nothing as it is now.

2 If I do not see anything like it now, we can truly say that I do not see anything. 3 I can see that what is now. 4 The choice is not between the past and see this show and the choice is simply between seeing and not seeing. 5 What I chose to see cost me vision. 6 Now I would choose again to see.

5. (10) My thoughts mean nothing.

2 I have no private thoughts. 3 Yet it is only the private thoughts that I am aware. 4 That may mean these thoughts? 5 They do not exist, so they mean nothing. 6 Now my mind is part of creation and of its Creator. 7 Do I prefer not to join the thought of the universe rather than to obscure all that is mine with my pitiful really-meaningful thoughts and in "private"?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Codigo Registro Littlest Pet Shop

ACIM Lesson 51 ~ ~ The revision today covers the following ideas: 1 to 5.

5 février ~ ebfed0ff2fa


revision today covers the following ideas:

Audio for Lesson 51 here

1. (1) Nothing that I see does not mean anything.

2 The reason why this is so is that I see nothing, and nothing no meaning. 3 It is necessary that I recognize that to learn to see. 4 What I think I see now takes the place of vision. 5 I have to let go when I realized that this has no meaning, so that the vision can take place.

2. (2) I gave what I see all the meaning it has for me.

2 I have tried everything I looked and this and this alone is what I see. 3 This is not the vision. 4 This is an illusion of reality, because my judgments have been made quite apart from reality. 5 I am willing to acknowledge the lack of validity of my judgments, because I want to see. 6 My judgments have hurt me, and I do not want to see in accordance with them.

3. (3) I understand nothing of what I see.

2 How can I understand what I see when I misjudged? 3 What I see is the projection of my own errors of thought. 4 I do not understand what I see because it is not understandable. 5 There is no point trying to understand. 6 But there is every reason to let go and make room for what can be seen, understood and loved. 7 I can share what I see now that merely by being willing to do so. 8 Is not there a better choice than I did before?

4. (4) These thoughts mean nothing.

2 The thoughts which I realize does not mean anything because I'm trying to think without God. 3 What I call "my" thoughts are not my real thoughts. 4 My real thoughts are the thoughts that I think with God. 5 I have no conscience because I made my mind to take their place. 6 I am willing to acknowledge that my thoughts mean nothing and to let go. 7 I selected they are replaced by what they were supposed to replace. 8 My thoughts are meaningful in-but the whole creation lies in the thoughts that I think with God.

5. (5) I am never upset for the reason I think.

2 I am never upset for the reason I think because I'm trying to justify my thoughts constantly. 3 I am constantly trying to make them real. 4 I'm doing everything my enemy, so that my anger is justified and that my attacks are legitimized. 5 I did not realize how much I misused all that I see in assigning this role. 6 I did this to defend a system of thought that hurt me, and I do not want. 7 I am willing to let go.

Mont Blanc Pens Jacksonville Fl

ACIM ~ REVIEW ~ I-Introduction Lesson 1 to 50.

20 février  Intro ~ weekly-calendar



The audio of "Introduction to Revision I" here

1. From today we will have a series of review periods. 2 Each will cover five of the ideas already presented, beginning with the first and ending with the fiftieth. 3 Following each of ideas, there will be some brief comments that you should consider in your review. 4 During the exercise period should be proceed as follows:

2. Start the day by reading five ideas, comments included. 2 Thereafter it is not necessary to follow a particular order in the recital, though each should be practiced at least once. 3 Devotes two minutes or more each exercise period, thinking about the idea and the comments thereto after having read them. 4 Do this as often as possible during the day. 5 If any of the five ideas you like more than others, concentrate on that. 6 At the end of the day, however, be sure to review them all again.

3. It is not necessary to completely cover or take literally all the comments that follow each idea during periods of exercise. 2 Try instead to focus on the central point and to think as part of your revision of the idea to which it relates. 3 Once you have read the idea and the comments thereto, do the exercises with eyes closed and when you're alone in a quiet place if possible.

4. This is to emphasize the periods of exercise at this stage of your learning. 2 It will be necessary, however, that you learn to apply what you learn without requiring any particular setting. 3 Thou shalt have the greatest need for what you learn in situations that seem annoying, rather than in those who already seem calm and quiet. 4 The purpose of your learning is to allow you to bring peace with you, and heal the turmoil and tumult. 5 It is not by avoiding them and seeking a haven of isolation for yourself.

5. Then you learn that peace is in you and it only requires you to be there to embrace any situation where you are. 2 Finally you will learn that there is no limit to where you are, so that your peace is everywhere, just like you.

6. You'll notice that, for purposes of review, some ideas are not given exactly in their original form. 2 Use them as given here. 3 It is not necessary to return to the original statements or to apply the ideas as it was then suggested. 4 We now insist on the relationship between the first fifty ideas we have studied, as well as the cohesion of the system of thought which they lead you.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Mount And Blade Faction Not Being Conquered

ACIM ~ LESSON 50 - I am sustained by the love of God.

19 février ~ gods-ecstacy


I am sustained by the love of God.

Audio Lesson 50 here

1. Here is the answer to every problem you will face today, tomorrow and in all weathers. 2 In this world, you think you're backed by anything except God. 3 You put your faith in the symbols of the most mundane and more insane: pills, money, clothes "protective" influence, prestige, being liked, knowing the "right" people, and a long list of these forms of nothing you with magical powers.

2. All these things are your replacements for the Love of God. 2 All these things are cherished for identifying the body. 3 These are songs of praise to the ego. 4 Do not put your faith in the value-free. 5 It does not support you.

3. Only God's Love will protect you in all circumstances. 2 There you will draw from all the trials and exalt well above all perceived dangers of this world until an atmosphere of perfect peace and security. 3 It will transport you into a mindset that nothing can threaten, nothing can disturb, and where nothing can intrude into the eternal calm of the Son of God.

4. Do not put your faith in illusions. 2 They will disappoint you. 3 Put all your faith in God's love in you, eternal, unchanging and infallible forever. 4 is the answer to everything that you face today. 5 For the Love of God in you, you can solve with ease and confidence all the apparent difficulties. 6 Tell yourself often today. 7 This is a statement Delivery of the belief in idols. 8 This is your admission of the truth about you.

5. For ten minutes, twice a day, morning and evening, leaving the idea of today's dive deep into your consciousness. 2 Repeat it, think about it, let the thoughts come thereto so that they help you to recognize the truth, and to allow peace to grow on you like a blanket of protection and security . 3 Do not let no vain and foolish thoughts come to disturb the holy mind of the Son of God. 4 Such is the Kingdom of Heaven. 5 As is the resting place where your Father has placed forever.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Miniature Horse Hay Feeder

~ ACIM Lesson 49 - The Voice of God speaks to me all day long.

18 février ~ écoute


The Voice of God speaks to me all day long.

Audio Lesson 49 here

1. It is quite possible to listen to the Voice of God throughout the day without the slightest pause your regular activities. 2 Part of your mind where the truth remains in constant communication with God, that thou am conscious or not. 3 This is the other part of your mind that works in the world that obeys its laws. 4 This is the part that is constantly distracted, disorganized and highly uncertain.

2. The party that listens to the Voice for God is calm, always at rest and completely certain. 2 This is really the only part that is. 3 The other part is a wild illusion, frantic and distraught, but without any kind of reality. 4 Try today not to listen. 5 Try to identify yourself with in your mind where calm and peace reign forever. 6 Try to hear the voice of God calling you with love, remembering that your Creator has not forgotten His Son.

3. We will need at least four periods of five minutes of exercise each day, more if possible. 2 We will try actually to hear the Voice of God remind you and remind you of your self. 3 We will approach with confidence the thought of the happiest and holiest, knowing that by doing this we add our will to the Will of God. 4 He wants you to hear His Voice. 5 He gave it to you for hearing.

4. Listening in silence. 2 Be quiet and open your mind. 3 Leave behind you all the screaming and frayed covering your sick fantasies real thoughts and obscure the eternal bond that you have with God. 4 Dive deep into the peace that awaits you beyond the hype and frenzy of thoughts, views and sounds of this insane world. 5 You do not live here. 6 We are trying to reach your real home. 7 We are trying to reach the place where you are truly welcome. 8 We are trying to reach God.

5. Remember to repeat very often the idea today. 2 Make it your eyes open when needed, but the eyes closed when possible. 3 And make sure you sit quietly and repeat the idea today whenever you can, by closing their eyes to the world and you realize that you invite the Voice of God speak to you.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Eighth Edition, Two Player Game

~ ACIM Lesson 48 - There is nothing to fear.

17 février ~ SPC236~Felicity-Wishes-II-Posters22


There is nothing to fear.

Audio Lesson 48 here

1. Today's idea simply states a fact. 2 This is not a fact for those who believe in illusions, but illusions are not facts. 3 In truth there is nothing to fear. 4 It is very easy to recognize. 5 But it is very difficult to recognize for those who want their illusions are true.

2. Exercise period Today will be very short, very simple and very common. 2 simply repeats the idea as often as possible. 3 You can use your eyes open at all times and in all situations. 4 It is highly recommended to take about a minute when you can, to close his eyes and slowly repeat the idea several times. 5 It is particularly important to use the idea immediately whenever something trouble your peace of mind.

3. The presence of fear is a sure sign that you trust in your own strength. 2 Be aware that there has nothing to fear shows that somewhere in your mind, albeit a place that you do not agree maybe not yet, you're reminded of God and you let His strength take the place of your weakness. 3 As soon as you're willing to do so, there is certainly nothing to fear.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

American Dad Doujin Fr

~ ACIM Lesson 47 - God is the strength that I rely.

16 février ~ mind


God is the strength that I rely.

Audio Lesson 47 here

1. If you trust in your own strength, you have every right to be full of apprehension, anxiety and fear. 2 What can you predict or control? 3 What's in you for things you can count? 4 What would make you able to be aware of all facets of a problem whatsoever, and resolve them so that only good can come out? 5 What is it about you that enables you to recognize the right solution, which guarantees that you will be accomplished ?

2. Of yourself you can not do any of these things. 2 Believing that you can, is to place your trust where trust is not warranted and is justified fear, anxiety, depression, anger and grief. 3 Who can put his faith in weakness and feel safe? 4 But who can put his faith in the strength and feel weak?

3. God is your safety at all times. 2 Her voice, which speaks for Him in every situation and every aspect of any situation, tells you exactly what to do to seek His strength and His protection. 3 There are no exceptions because God has no exceptions. 4 And the voice that speaks for him think as he thinks.

4. Today we'll try to go past your own weakness to the Source of real strength. 2 Four exercise period of five minutes will be needed today, and for longer periods and more frequent are strongly recommended. 3 Close your eyes and starts, as usual, by repeating the idea of the day. 4 Then spend a minute or two to look for situations in your life that you have invested with fear, and dismisses each of them by telling you:

  • 5 God is the strength that I rely.

5. Now try to leave all worries behind you connected to your own sense of inadequacy. 2 It is obvious that any situation that causes you concern is associated with feelings of inadequacy, because otherwise you believe you can take care of this situation successfully. 3 This is not you trusting yourself you gain confidence. 4 But the power of God in you succeed in all things.

6. The recognition of your own frailty is a necessary step in correcting your mistakes, but it is hardly sufficient to give you the confidence you need and to which you are entitled. 2 You must also realize that confidence in your real strength is fully justified in all respects and in all circumstances.

7. During the last phase of the exercise period, trying to dive in your mind until a place of real security. 2 You will know that thou hast attained when you will feel a deep peace, even briefly. 3 Letting go of all the trivial things that stir and boil to the surface of your mind, come down lower and below them to the Kingdom of Heaven. 4 There is a place where you perfect peace. 5 There is a place in you where nothing is impossible. 6 It is a place in you where the strength of God abides.

8. Often repeated the idea during the day. 2 Use it to respond to anything that disturbs you. 3 Remember that you are entitled to peace, because you give your trust in God's strength.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Yukon Xl Oxygen Sensor Location

~ ACIM Lesson 46 - God is Love in which I forgive.

15 février ~ huge.10.50391


God is Love in which I forgive.

Audio Lesson 46 here

1. God does not forgive because He has never condemned. 2 And it must first be convicted of that forgiveness is necessary. 3 Forgiveness is the great need of this world, but that's because it's a world of illusions. 4 Those who forgive are thus deliver illusions, while those who withhold forgiveness are binding themselves to them. 5 As you do that condemn yourself, and you will not only forgive yourself.

2. Yet although God does not forgive, His Love is still the basis of forgiveness. 2 Fear condemns and love forgives. 3 Thus forgiveness undoes what fear has produced, bringing the mind to God-consciousness. 4 For this reason, forgiveness can truly be called salvation. 5 This is the means by which illusions disappear.

3. The exercises today require at least three exercise periods of five minutes each, and as short periods as possible. Start the 2 exercise periods longer in the idea of repeating yourself today, as usual. 3 In so doing, close your eyes and spend a minute or two to look for in your mind those whom thou hast not pardoned. 4 No matter "how" you do not have forgiven them. 5 Thou hast forgiven them completely or not at all.

4. If you do the exercises well, you should not have trouble finding many people you have not forgiven. 2 A safe rule is that anyone you do not like much is a suitable subject. 3 mentions each by name and say

  • 4 God is Love in which I forgive you, [name].

5. The goal of the first phase of the exercise periods today is to put yourself in position to forgive yourself. 2 After you apply the idea to all who you came to mind, tell yourself:

  • 3 God is Love in which I forgive.

4 Then spend the rest of the exercise period to add related ideas, such as:

  • 5 God is Love which I loves me.
  • 6 God is Love in which I am blessed.

6. The form of application can vary widely, but the idea should not be overlooked. 2 You could say, for example:

  • 3 I can not be guilty because I am a Son of God.
  • 4 I have been forgiven.
  • 5 No fear is possible in a spirit loved by God.
  • 6 There is no need to attack because love has forgiven me.

7 The exercise period, however, should end with a repeat of the idea today as it is stated in the beginning.

7. The shorter periods of exercise may be a repetition of the idea today is in its original form or otherwise related, according to your preference. 2 However, be sure to make other practical applications when needed. 3 You'll need it at any time of day when you become aware of any negative reaction to anyone, present or not. 4 In this case, tell him in silence

  • 5 God is Love in which I forgive you.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

How Region Unlock Dvp-sr200p

~ ACIM Lesson 45 - God is the Spirit with which I think.

14 février ~ images


God is the Spirit with which I think.

Audio for Lesson 45 here

1. Today's idea holds the key to what are your real thoughts. 2 They are nothing what you think think, like anything that you think you see is connected to the vision in any way. 3 There is no relationship between what is real and what you really think. 4 None of what you think is your real thoughts is unlike anything in your real thoughts. 5 Nothing to see what you think has the slightest resemblance to what the vision will show you.

2. You think with the Spirit of God. 2 Therefore, you share your thoughts with him, as he shares his thoughts with you. 3 These are the same thoughts, because they are thought by the same Spirit. 4 Share, make it like that, or make one. 5 And the thoughts you think with the Spirit of God does not leave your mind, because thoughts do not leave their source. 6 Therefore, your thoughts are in the Spirit of God as you are. 7 They are also in your mind, where it is. 8 Similarly you belong His Spirit, even your thoughts are part of His Spirit.

3. Where, then, are your real thoughts? 2 Today, we will try to reach them. 3 It's in your mind that we're going to get them, because that's where they are. 4 They should still be there, because they can not have left their source. 5 This is thought by the Spirit of God is eternal, being part of creation.

4. Today our three exercise periods of five minutes each, will generally take the same form as we used to apply the idea yesterday. 2 We will try to find out the unreal real. 3 We nierons the world in favor of truth. 4 We will not let thoughts of the world hold us back. 5 We will not let the beliefs of the world tell us that what God wants us to do is impossible. 6 Rather, we try to recognize that only what God wants us to do is possible.

5. We also try to understand that only what God wants us to do is what we want. 2 And we'll also try to remember that we can not fail in doing what He wants us to do. 3 We have every reason to be confident to succeed today. 4 This is the Will of God.

6. Start the exercises today, closing his eyes while you repeat the idea. 2 Then think for a brief moment, some personal thoughts relevant, keeping the idea in mind. 3 Adds the idea four or five of your own thoughts, then repeats it again by telling you gently

  • 4 My real thoughts are on my mind.
  • 5 I find them.

6 Then try to go beyond all thoughts unreal that cover the truth in your mind, reaching the eternal.

7. In all the foolish thoughts and crazy ideas that you have cluttered your mind are the thoughts that you thoughts in the beginning with God. 2 They are there in your mind now, completely unchanged. 3 They are always in your mind, just as they always were. 4 Everything you thought since changed, but the foundation upon which it rests is entirely unchangeable.

8. It was around this foundation that the exercises are conducted today. 2 Once your mind is attached to the Spirit of God. 3 Once your thoughts are one with His. 4 For this type of exercise, one thing is needful: approach it as you approach an altar dedicated to Heaven to God the Father and God the Son. 5 For this is the place you're trying to achieve. 6 You'll probably still unable to report to you how high you try to go. 7 Even with little understanding that you have already won, you should be able to remember it this is not a pointless game, but an exercise in holiness and an attempt to reach the Kingdom of Heaven.

9. In the shorter practice periods today, try to remember how important it is for you to understand the holiness of the thinking mind with God. 2 While the idea of repeating yourself all day long, take a minute or two to appreciate the sanctity of your mind. 3 Difference-you, even briefly, all the thoughts that are unworthy of Him That you're the host. 4 And thank-The thoughts he thinks with you.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Eight Edition, Two Player Game

~ ACIM Lesson 44 - God is the light in which I see.

13 février ~ Book


God is the light in which I see.

Audio Lesson 44 here

1. Today we continue the idea of yesterday, adding another dimension. 2 You can not see in darkness, and you can not make light. 3 You can to the darkness and think you will see, but the light reflects life and is therefore an aspect of creation. 4 Creating and darkness can not coexist, but light and life must go together, being only different aspects of creation.

2. To see, you have to admit that the light is inside, not outside. 2 You can not see outside of you, and equipment for the view is not outside you. 3 An essential part of this equipment is the light that makes it possible to see. 4 It is always with you, making vision possible in all circumstances.

3. Today we will try to reach that light. 2 For this purpose, we use a form of exercise that was suggested earlier, we use more and more. 3 This is a particularly difficult for an undisciplined mind, and represents a major goal of training the mind. 4 It requires precisely what is lacking in a spirit untrained. 5 Now this training must be completed for you to see.

4. Make at least three practice periods today, each lasting three to five minutes. 2 A longer period is strongly recommended, but only if you find that time flies and if you do not feel that little or no tension. 3 The form of exercise that we use today is the most natural and easiest in the world for a mind exercised, as it seems less natural and more difficult for an untrained mind.

5. Your mind is not completely untrained. 2 You're more than willing to learn form of exercise that we use today, but it may be that you meet strong resistance. 3 The reason is very simple. 4 When you are practicing this way, you leave behind you whatever you believe now, and all the thoughts you have invented. 5 Strictly speaking, this is the issue of hell. 6 But seen through the eyes of the ego, a loss of identity and a descent into hell.

6. If you can put away the ego a little bit, you will have no difficulty recognizing that its opposition and fears are in-significant. 2 Maybe it would help you to remember it, from time to time, that reaching the escape of light is darkness, even if you think otherwise. 3 God is the light in which you see. 4 You try to reach it.

7. Start the exercise period by repeating the idea for today my eyes open, then closes them slowly, repeating the idea several times more. 2 Then try to dive in your mind and let go of interference and intrusion of all kinds as and when you overtake them in your diving. 3 Thy spirit can not be stopped by it, unless you do choose to stop. 4 It is simply following its natural course. 5 Try to observe with detachment racing thoughts, and exceeds them quietly.

8. Although no particular approach is advocated for this form of exercise, it is necessary that you have a sense of the importance of what you do, its invaluable to you, and you may be aware of trying something very holy. 2 The hello is your happiest accomplishment. 3 This is also the only one who has any meaning because it is the only one that you either really useful.

9. If resistance emerges in any form, take a break long enough to repeat the idea today, with your eyes closed Unless you have consciousness of being afraid. 2 In this case, you will find probably more reassuring to open your eyes briefly. 3 Try, however, to resume the exercises with eyes closed as soon as possible.

10. If you do the exercises correctly, you should feel a sense of relaxation and even feel as you approach the light, even if it is there among you. 2 Try to think of light, formless and without limit, when you overtake the thoughts of this world. 3 And do not forget they can not hold you to the world, unless you give them the power to do so.

11. The idea is often repeated throughout the day, eyes open or closed as you would be better at the moment. 2 But do not forget. 3 Above all, be determined not to forget today.