Friday, February 11, 2011

Operation Repo: The Movie Buy

~ ACIM Lesson 43 - God is my Source. I can not see apart from Him.

12 fév ~ page47light2520in2520darkness


God is my Source.

I can not see from Him.

Audio Lesson 43 here

1. Perception is not an attribute of God. 2 His field is that of knowledge. 3 And He created the Holy Spirit as mediator between perception and knowledge. 4 Without this link with God, perception would have replaced the knowledge forever in your mind. 5 With this relationship with God, perception will become so changed and purified that it will lead to knowledge. 6 This is his function as seen by the Holy Spirit. 7 So its function in truth.

2. In God you do can not see. 2 The perception has no basis in God does not exist. 3 Yet in salvation, which is the defeat of what has never been, perception has a significant purpose. 4 Made by the Son of God in a non-saint, it must become the means of bringing holiness to his conscience. 5 The perception has no meaning. 6 But the Holy Spirit gives it a meaning very close to that of God. 7 The perception cured becomes the means by which the Son of God forgives his brother, and forgive and to himself.

3. You can not see from God because you can not be from God. 2 Whatever you do, you in Him do it, because whatever you think, you think with His Spirit. 3 If the vision is real, and it is real insofar as it shares the goal of the Holy Spirit, then you can not see God's hand.

4. Three exercise periods of five minutes is needed today: one and the other as early as late as possible in the day. 2 The third can be undertaken at a time that suits you most, when circumstances permit and when you feel ready. 3 At the beginning of these practice periods, repeat to you the idea today, eyes open. 4 Then walk your look around you for a short time by applying the idea to practice what you see. 5 Four or five subjects will be sufficient for this phase of the exercise period. 6 You could say, for example:

  • 7 God is my Source. 8 I can not see this office apart from Him.
  • 9 God is my Source. 10 I can not see this table from him.

5. Although this part of the exercise should be relatively short, make sure you choose the subjects without discrimination for this phase of the exercise, include or exclude anything without your own. 2 For the second phase, which is longer, close your eyes, repeat the idea again today, then leaves all relevant thoughts that come to mind with the idea to add your own way. 3 Thoughts like this:

  • 4 I see through the eyes of forgiveness.
  • 5 I see the world blessed.
  • 6 The world can show me myself.
  • 7 I see my own thoughts, which are like those of God.

8 Any thought that is more or less directly linked to the idea of today's convenience. 9 It is not necessary that thoughts have an obvious connection with the idea, but they should not be in opposition to it.

6. If you find that your mind wanders, if you start to become aware of thoughts that are distinctly at odds with the idea today, or it seems that you are unable to think of anything, open eyes repeat the first phase of the exercise period, then tried again the second. 2 Do not let that prolonged periods during which you become preoccupied with thoughts unrelated. 3 To avoid this, back to the first stage as often as is necessary.

7. By applying the idea today during shorter periods of exercise, you can change the shape according to circumstances and situations where you find yourself during the day. 2 When you're with someone else, for example, try to remember him saying in silence:

  • 3 God is my Source. 4 I can not see you except Him.

5 This form can be applied equally to foreigners and to those that you think is closest to you. 6 In fact, try not to make any distinctions of this kind.

8. Today's idea should be applied throughout the day with various events and situations that may arise, especially those who seem to upset you in any way whatsoever. 2 To this end, the idea applies in the following form:

  • 3 God is my Source. 4 I can not see it but Him.

9. If any particular subject presents itself to your conscience at the time, simply repeats the idea in its original form. 2 Try not to leave today to spend long periods of time without remembering the idea today, and remember so your function.


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