These ideas are reviewing today:
1. (46) God is Love in which I forgive.
2 God does not forgive because He has never condemned. 3 Those who are without blame can not blame, and those who have accepted their innocence see nothing to forgive. 4 But forgiveness is the means by which I confess my innocence. 5 It is a reflection of the love of God on earth. 6 It's enough to me closer to heaven Love of God may descend to me and raise me up to Him.
2. (47) God is the strength that I rely.
2 This is not by my own strength I forgive. 3 It is by God's strength in me, I remember forgiving. 4 As I begin to see, I recognize its reflection on earth. 5 I forgive all things because I feel His strength in me stir. 6 And I begin to remember the love that I had chosen to forget, but who has not forgotten me.
3. (48) There is nothing to fear.
2 As the world seem safe to me when I can see it! 3 It will be unlike anything that I imagine seeing now. 4 Everyone and everything I see will look to me to bless me. 5 I recognize it in each of my dearest friend. 6 What could there be to fear in a world that I forgave, and forgave me?
4. (49) The voice of God speaks to me all day long.
2 It is not a time when the Voice of God continues to call my forgiveness to save me. 3 It is not a time when his voice failed to direct my thoughts, guide my actions and not my driving. 4 I will continually towards the truth. 5 I can go anywhere, because the Voice of God is the only voice and the only guide that has been given to His Son.
5. (50) I am sustained by the love of God.
2 As I listen to the Voice of God, I am sustained by His love. 3 As I open my eyes, His Love lights the world for my seeing him. 4 As I forgive, His Love reminds me that His Son is sinless. 5 And as I look at the world with the vision He has given me, I remember that I am His Son.
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