Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sample Volunteer Hours Letter

ACIM ~ LESSON 55 - The Review today includes the following: Ideas 21-25.

24 février ~ images


revision today includes the following:

Audio Lesson 55 here

1. (21) I am determined to see things differently.

2 What I see now are just signs of disease, disaster and death. 3 This may not be what God created for His beloved Son. 4 The fact that I see such things is proof that I do not understand God. 5 Therefore, I do not understand His Son. 6 What I see tells me I do not know who I am. 7 I am determined to see the witnesses of the truth in me rather than me show an illusion of myself.

2. (22) What I see is a form of revenge.

2 The world I see is little representation of loving thoughts. 3 This is an image of any attack against all. 4 This is anything but a reflection of the love of God and Love of His Son. 5 These are my own thoughts of attack that are image arise. 6 My loving thoughts will save me from this world view and give me the peace that God intended that I have.

3. (23) I can escape from this world by giving up attack thoughts.

2 In this lies the salvation and nowhere else. 3 Without thoughts of attack I could not see a world of attack. 4 When forgiveness allows love to return to my consciousness, I see a world of peace, security and joy. 5 And this is what I choose to see instead of what I look now.

4. (24) I do not see my own interest.

2 How can I recognize what my own interest when I do not know who I am? 3 What I think is that my interest would bind me more to the world of illusions. 4 I am willing to follow the guide God gave me to discover what my own interests, recognizing that I can not perceive it by myself.

5. (25) I do not know what does anything.

2 For me, the goal of all things is to prove that my illusions about myself are real. 3 To this end I try to use everyone and everything. 4 This is what I think the world is used. 5 Therefore, I do not recognize its real purpose. 6 The goal I have given the world has led to a frightening picture of him. 7 That opened my mind to the real purpose of the world by removing the one I gave him, and learning the truth about it.


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