Thursday, February 24, 2011

Old Premium Savings Bond

~ ACIM Lesson 56 - Our Today's review covers the following: Ideas 26-30.

25 février ~ erenite_35X24


Our review for today covers the following:

Audio Lesson 56 here

1. (26) My thoughts attack attacking my invulnerability.

2 How do I know who I am when I see myself constantly attacked? 3 Pain, illness, loss, age and death seem to threaten me. 4 All my hopes, my wishes and my Plans seem to be a thank you to the world that I can not control. 5 Now the perfect security and fulfillment are my legacy. 6 I tried to give my inheritance in return for the world I see. 7 But God saved my inheritance for me. 8 My own real thoughts would teach me what it is.

2. (27) Above all I want to see.

2 Recognizing that what I see reflects what I believe to be, I realize that vision is my greatest need. 3 The world I see evidenced by the nature of the frightening image of me that I made. 4 If I want to remember who I am, it is essential that I let go of that image of me. 5 When it is replaced by truth, vision will surely be given me. 6 And with this vision, I look upon the world and myself with charity and love.

3. (28) Above all I want to see differently.

2 The world I see holds up the frightening image I have of myself and ensures continuity. 3 While I see the world as I see now the truth can not enter my consciousness. 4 I would like to leave the door that is behind this world be opened to me, to look past it to the world that reflects God's love.

4. (29) God is in everything I see.

2 Behind every picture I made, the truth remains unchanged. 3 Behind every veil I have drawn on the face of love, its light is not fading. 4 Beyond all my insane wishes is my will, united to the will of my Father. 5 God is still everywhere and in everything forever. 6 And we who are part of Him, will turn our gaze beyond all appearances and recognize the truth that lies beyond.

5. (30) God is in everything I see because God is in my mind.

2 In my own mind, behind all my insane thoughts of separation and attack, is the knowledge that all is one forever. 3 I have not lost the knowledge of who I am because I have forgotten. 4 She was kept for me in the Spirit of God, Who has not left his thoughts. 5 And I, who am one of them, I am one with them and one with Him.


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