Tuesday, February 15, 2011

American Dad Doujin Fr

~ ACIM Lesson 47 - God is the strength that I rely.

16 février ~ mind


God is the strength that I rely.

Audio Lesson 47 here

1. If you trust in your own strength, you have every right to be full of apprehension, anxiety and fear. 2 What can you predict or control? 3 What's in you for things you can count? 4 What would make you able to be aware of all facets of a problem whatsoever, and resolve them so that only good can come out? 5 What is it about you that enables you to recognize the right solution, which guarantees that you will be accomplished ?

2. Of yourself you can not do any of these things. 2 Believing that you can, is to place your trust where trust is not warranted and is justified fear, anxiety, depression, anger and grief. 3 Who can put his faith in weakness and feel safe? 4 But who can put his faith in the strength and feel weak?

3. God is your safety at all times. 2 Her voice, which speaks for Him in every situation and every aspect of any situation, tells you exactly what to do to seek His strength and His protection. 3 There are no exceptions because God has no exceptions. 4 And the voice that speaks for him think as he thinks.

4. Today we'll try to go past your own weakness to the Source of real strength. 2 Four exercise period of five minutes will be needed today, and for longer periods and more frequent are strongly recommended. 3 Close your eyes and starts, as usual, by repeating the idea of the day. 4 Then spend a minute or two to look for situations in your life that you have invested with fear, and dismisses each of them by telling you:

  • 5 God is the strength that I rely.

5. Now try to leave all worries behind you connected to your own sense of inadequacy. 2 It is obvious that any situation that causes you concern is associated with feelings of inadequacy, because otherwise you believe you can take care of this situation successfully. 3 This is not you trusting yourself you gain confidence. 4 But the power of God in you succeed in all things.

6. The recognition of your own frailty is a necessary step in correcting your mistakes, but it is hardly sufficient to give you the confidence you need and to which you are entitled. 2 You must also realize that confidence in your real strength is fully justified in all respects and in all circumstances.

7. During the last phase of the exercise period, trying to dive in your mind until a place of real security. 2 You will know that thou hast attained when you will feel a deep peace, even briefly. 3 Letting go of all the trivial things that stir and boil to the surface of your mind, come down lower and below them to the Kingdom of Heaven. 4 There is a place where you perfect peace. 5 There is a place in you where nothing is impossible. 6 It is a place in you where the strength of God abides.

8. Often repeated the idea during the day. 2 Use it to respond to anything that disturbs you. 3 Remember that you are entitled to peace, because you give your trust in God's strength.


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